
Posts Tagged ‘sudbury star’

Painting by Jan Browning

Painting by Jan Browning

Jan Browning recently submitted her second watercolor painting to us and it’s beautiful. Thanks so much Jan! We  love it. You can see her first contribution here.

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Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photography by Eric Vincent

Photographs by Eric Vincent

Eric recently sent in these shots of the Pearl Street tower, thanks Eric! Those are two new views that we haven’t seen on here before and we love the motion in that first image and the interesting lighting in the second. Very cool.

Looking at the first image we can only imagine how good the tower would look with some lights on it. It becomes almost invisible at night and we think it’s too impressive a structure to just disappear like that. It should be a prominent structure in our night sky.

Thanks for the submissions, more to come from Eric soon. Check out his website for more of his great photos.

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Illustration by Tim Richer

Illustration by Tim Richer

Thanks to Tim for this really fun illustration. Tim’s illustration depicts water tower-like mushrooms (or mushroom-like water towers) in a nice little cluster among some rocks and greenery. In Tim’s colorful and creative illustration you can see that each mushroom has the same arrangement of “legs” as the water towers. Thanks for the really cool illustration Tim, we think it’s a lot of fun.

What kind of object or shape do you see when you look at the water towers? Let us know in the comments below.

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Submission Deadline: April 5th, 2010, Photograph by Joel Kimmel

Photograph by Joel Kimmel

For anyone interested in participating in the art show or having their work shown on the blog and Facebook page, please submit your contributions by April 5th, 2010.

If you’ve already submitted some work, thank you! If you have more you’d like to submit, we’d love to see it.

You have until April 5th to get in your artwork, at which point we’ll collect prints or originals for our upcoming art show (date and location pending). The more entries we received the better.

Thanks in advance for your entries! See submission details in the How to Submit tab at the top of the page.

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Chantal Bennett, an illustrator and contributor to this blog, was recently interviewed about the Save the Sudbury Water Towers project on Sudbury’s CBON Radio Canada. You can now listen to the interview online by following this link:

There’s no direct link to the interview, so do a page search by clicking Control + F on your keyboard and searching for Chantal Bennett. Have a listen!

Illustration by Chantal Bennett

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Cambrian College’s Broadcasting Program recently filmed an interview with John Grubber, who started the Save the Sudbury Water Towers Facebook group . Check out the video below.

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Sudbury Living Magazine

Sudbury Living Magazine

The water towers have a bit of press in the recent issue of Sudbury Living magazine (click the photo to view larger). This blog and the Facebook group are mentioned (although credit to the Facebook group should go to John Grubber). If you haven’t already, join the Facebook group to participate in discussions and post your thoughts on the Wall.

More info coming soon, including the deadline for artist submissions and hopefully something for the kids.

Thanks for reading, please send your submissions, post comments and write to your councilors! The water towers are depending on us to save them!

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Photograph by Chantal Larochelle

Photograph by Chantal Larochelle

Thanks for the great photo, Chantal! Chantal took this photo of the Pearl Street tower last summer. If there’s one thing we love about the Pearl Street tower, it’s the nice blue color of the tank. Whereas Pine Street’s tower is green, the sky blue of the Pearl tower adds to its uniqueness.

Chantal is a photographer and a graphic design student at Cambrian College. We have some great illustrations coming from her class that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy. If you have your own drawings of the tower, we’d love to see them.

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Photo by Jonathan Isaak

Photo by Jonathan Isaak

This photo of the Pine Street tower shows how dominating a structure it is. We love the curving staircase around the central “leg” and the darkness at the bottom of the tank. Very cool photo, thanks Jonathan!

Jonathan writes, “I visited Sudbury for the first time in 2001 and was drawn to the city’s water towers.  As an outsider, I can testify that they help to define the landscape and identity of your city.  It would be a shame to see them go.”

Submit your own photos soon! We need more art as soon as possible as we’re hoping to start assembling work for an art exhibition. We will be in touch with all contributors with more information when it becomes available.

I’ve seen some of the work for the water towers coming from the Illustration students at Cambrian College and we have a lot of great work to look forward to. Keep your eyes on the blog in the coming weeks for more great stuff.

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Photograph by Ian Ridsdill

Photograph by Ian Ridsdill

Here is a great photo submission by Ian Ridsdill. Thanks for the really interesting shot, Ian.

We love the angle and motion of the pigeon in this photo, with a just out of focus Pearl Street tower in the background. Great capture, the pigeon looks fantastic.

Ian mentions there’s no real story to go with this photo, that he was just playing with his camera at the bus station downtown. We love it.

We’re looking for any artistic contributions you may have of the towers. No entries are judged or filtered. If it portrays one or both of the towers we will gladly post it here for water tower supporters to see. See the How to Submit tab for more information on submitting.

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