
Posts Tagged ‘save the sudbury water towers’

There is a planning meeting at Tom Davies Square on Tuesday at 5:30 in Council Chambers. The council will be voting on the new application to develop the Pearl Street water tower. Click here to see the new application for the water tower on Pearl Street.

You can show up and speak on behalf of the application and give it your approval. If you can make it that would be great for the cause, as the more people who show up to support the application the better the chance that it will be approved.

Hope to see you there!

In other news: The Save the Sudbury Water Tower art exhibit was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who came out to see the artwork and enjoy the cheese on Saturday night at the Fromagerie Elgin. The place was full from beginning to end and we had an amazing amount of support and CTV News showed up to film the event and interview artists. Stay tuned for photos from the event!

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We’ve been receiving some amazing water tower submissions for a couple of months now and it’s time to hold an exhibition to show the physical works we’ve received.

When: Opening Night is April 17th, 6-9pm, show runs until April 29th

Where: Fromagerie Elgin, 1a-5 Cedar St, Sudbury

Who: Local artists, Cambrian College graphic design students and water tower lovers from all over have contributed artwork for the show

Why: Support the cause and come see some great work by Sudbury artists depicting our water towers. There will be cheese, good company and great artwork.

How: Here is a map to the Fromagerie. The opening takes place on Earth Day. Download and print free bus tickets to get to the show.

Art Opening: Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poster Download: Want to help spread the word? Download this image, print it off and post it around! [DOWNLOAD POSTER]

Looking forward to meeting all of the contributors and supporters.

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Artwork by Various Artists

We got these amazing drawings and paintings from two retirements homes, the Red Oak Villa and the Elizabeth Centre in Val Caron.

I’ll let Suzanne McCrae explain how we came to have so many submissions, “[All of the] artwork [was] produced at the Red Oak Villa Retirement Home through the Art Gallery of Sudbury’s Art-on-the-Go Outreach program. This is a workshop that I facilitate – all artwork is watercolour and was produced as a project for submission to the Save the Sudbury Water Towers project.”

Thanks so much to all of the residents of Red Oak and the Elizabeth Centre, and a big thanks to Suzanne McCrae as well for putting this project together.

Please be sure to click through the images and view them larger. We love them all. They look great and some of them are abstract images in themselves, representing the water towers and doubling as other interesting images. Enjoy!

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Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photographs by Eric Vincent

Here are two more excellent photographs by Eric. Thanks again, Eric, keep ’em coming if you have more!
Also, thanks to those of you who came out to the Open Screen Wednesday event last night at SRO. We had some great slide shows prepared by Pete Paradis showing the artwork that’s been submitted to the blog and Facebook group.

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Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photography by Eric Vincent

Photographs by Eric Vincent

Eric recently sent in these shots of the Pearl Street tower, thanks Eric! Those are two new views that we haven’t seen on here before and we love the motion in that first image and the interesting lighting in the second. Very cool.

Looking at the first image we can only imagine how good the tower would look with some lights on it. It becomes almost invisible at night and we think it’s too impressive a structure to just disappear like that. It should be a prominent structure in our night sky.

Thanks for the submissions, more to come from Eric soon. Check out his website for more of his great photos.

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Photography by Harriet Carlson

Here is another great photo from Harriet Carlson. We posted one of her photos a few weeks ago, you can check that out here. There’s such a nice light on the tower in this image. Thanks Harriet for another beautiful shot.

Harriet currently has a show on at the Laughing Buddha, go take a look at more of her photos there or on her website.

Big thanks to everyone who has contributed to the campaign with artwork and another big thank you goes to those of you who have donated money to go towards printing postcards, posters and helping with the upcoming show (details coming soon). If you’re interested in donating, please read this previous post.

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Illustration by Jean-Marc Paradis

Illustration by Jean-Marc Paradis

Illustrations by Jean-Marc Paradis

Thanks to Jean-Marc for two excellent illustrations of the water towers. These both do a great job representing the water towers. The first image imagines Sudbury as a cartoon-like world and the tower fits in really nicely, framed by the branches of the trees. We think it’s a really nice scene!

The second image shows a proud looking tower at sunset over some rolling hills. Two really great and colorful illustration, thanks Jean-Marc!

We’ve been getting more and more amazing contributions lately, thanks for your support of the water tower campaign. We are looking forward to finding the perfect location for an art show to display all of the great work we’ve received so far. Thanks to everyone!

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Illustration by Tim Richer

Illustration by Tim Richer

Thanks to Tim for this really fun illustration. Tim’s illustration depicts water tower-like mushrooms (or mushroom-like water towers) in a nice little cluster among some rocks and greenery. In Tim’s colorful and creative illustration you can see that each mushroom has the same arrangement of “legs” as the water towers. Thanks for the really cool illustration Tim, we think it’s a lot of fun.

What kind of object or shape do you see when you look at the water towers? Let us know in the comments below.

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If you’re interested in donating a few dollars to the Save the Sudbury Water Towers campaign, please use the PayPal donation link at the bottom of this post.

Why donate? We’re looking to raise about $200 to print postcards to raise awareness and to sell to the public and lovers of the water towers. The water towers are Sudbury icons, they should be represented on a postcard.

We’re currently working on postcard designs using artwork that has been submitted to this blog. Postcards will be for sale in retail locations and other businesses around Sudbury soon. We just need to raise enough money to make our first set of postcards. The money raised from the sale of the postcards will go towards new postcard sets and posters to help raise awareness of the plight of the towers.

We need to act fast, so please donate today.


UPDATE: For those of you who can donate $20 or more you will receive free postcards depicting the towers (from contributors to this blog)  and a FREE letterpress print of the Pearl Street tower, size 4 ” x 6″. The illustration is by Joel Kimmel and letterpress printed by Papillon Press. Please donate before March 31 to get your free letterpress print. Those of you who have already donated $20 or more will also receive a print. Thank you!

Letterpress print of the Pearl Street tower, by Joel Kimmel

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Here’s something fun for families and kids! If you love the towers and want to contribute to the art show (location and date to be determined) coming up in April, you can use this free image to print out on your own printer to colour yourself.

Download this image to colour yourself!

We’d love to have your contributions, even if you colour outside the lines! In fact, we encourage it.  Purple skies, red water towers, orange trees, they’re all encouraged and accepted. Draw in some spaceships and flying cats if you want as well.

When you’re done colouring your water tower you can either scan it or take a photo of it so we can publish it on the blog. Be sure to include your names (and ages if you like). If you’d like your drawing to be included in the upcoming art show, let us know and we can work out a way to collect it (and return it, of course).

Click the link below to download the image and print it on your printer:

Colour the Pearl Street Water Tower!

We’re looking forward to seeing your coloured Sudbury Water Towers!

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