
Posts Tagged ‘red oak’

Artwork by Various Artists

We got these amazing drawings and paintings from two retirements homes, the Red Oak Villa and the Elizabeth Centre in Val Caron.

I’ll let Suzanne McCrae explain how we came to have so many submissions, “[All of the] artwork [was] produced at the Red Oak Villa Retirement Home through the Art Gallery of Sudbury’s Art-on-the-Go Outreach program. This is a workshop that I facilitate – all artwork is watercolour and was produced as a project for submission to the Save the Sudbury Water Towers project.”

Thanks so much to all of the residents of Red Oak and the Elizabeth Centre, and a big thanks to Suzanne McCrae as well for putting this project together.

Please be sure to click through the images and view them larger. We love them all. They look great and some of them are abstract images in themselves, representing the water towers and doubling as other interesting images. Enjoy!

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