
Posts Tagged ‘planning meeting’

There is a planning meeting at Tom Davies Square on Tuesday at 5:30 in Council Chambers. The council will be voting on the new application to develop the Pearl Street water tower. Click here to see the new application for the water tower on Pearl Street.

You can show up and speak on behalf of the application and give it your approval. If you can make it that would be great for the cause, as the more people who show up to support the application the better the chance that it will be approved.

Hope to see you there!

In other news: The Save the Sudbury Water Tower art exhibit was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who came out to see the artwork and enjoy the cheese on Saturday night at the Fromagerie Elgin. The place was full from beginning to end and we had an amazing amount of support and CTV News showed up to film the event and interview artists. Stay tuned for photos from the event!

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