
Posts Tagged ‘pearl street’

Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photograph by Eric Vincent

Photographs by Eric Vincent

Here are two more excellent photographs by Eric. Thanks again, Eric, keep ’em coming if you have more!
Also, thanks to those of you who came out to the Open Screen Wednesday event last night at SRO. We had some great slide shows prepared by Pete Paradis showing the artwork that’s been submitted to the blog and Facebook group.

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Photography by Harriet Carlson

Here is another great photo from Harriet Carlson. We posted one of her photos a few weeks ago, you can check that out here. There’s such a nice light on the tower in this image. Thanks Harriet for another beautiful shot.

Harriet currently has a show on at the Laughing Buddha, go take a look at more of her photos there or on her website.

Big thanks to everyone who has contributed to the campaign with artwork and another big thank you goes to those of you who have donated money to go towards printing postcards, posters and helping with the upcoming show (details coming soon). If you’re interested in donating, please read this previous post.

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Photograph by Cait Mitchell

Photograph by Cait Mitchell

Here is another excellent contribution from Cait Mitchell who submitted another great photograph a while back (check it out here). We love this image, there are so many beautiful textures and things happening within it.  A beautiful submission, thanks again Cait!

There’s no limit on how many images you can contribute, so if you’ve already submitted, please submit again. We look forward to seeing your work. Remember to get your submissions in before April 5th. Thanks!

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Submission Deadline: April 5th, 2010, Photograph by Joel Kimmel

Photograph by Joel Kimmel

For anyone interested in participating in the art show or having their work shown on the blog and Facebook page, please submit your contributions by April 5th, 2010.

If you’ve already submitted some work, thank you! If you have more you’d like to submit, we’d love to see it.

You have until April 5th to get in your artwork, at which point we’ll collect prints or originals for our upcoming art show (date and location pending). The more entries we received the better.

Thanks in advance for your entries! See submission details in the How to Submit tab at the top of the page.

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Here’s something fun for families and kids! If you love the towers and want to contribute to the art show (location and date to be determined) coming up in April, you can use this free image to print out on your own printer to colour yourself.

Download this image to colour yourself!

We’d love to have your contributions, even if you colour outside the lines! In fact, we encourage it.  Purple skies, red water towers, orange trees, they’re all encouraged and accepted. Draw in some spaceships and flying cats if you want as well.

When you’re done colouring your water tower you can either scan it or take a photo of it so we can publish it on the blog. Be sure to include your names (and ages if you like). If you’d like your drawing to be included in the upcoming art show, let us know and we can work out a way to collect it (and return it, of course).

Click the link below to download the image and print it on your printer:

Colour the Pearl Street Water Tower!

We’re looking forward to seeing your coloured Sudbury Water Towers!

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Photograph by Chantal Larochelle

Photograph by Chantal Larochelle

Thanks for the great photo, Chantal! Chantal took this photo of the Pearl Street tower last summer. If there’s one thing we love about the Pearl Street tower, it’s the nice blue color of the tank. Whereas Pine Street’s tower is green, the sky blue of the Pearl tower adds to its uniqueness.

Chantal is a photographer and a graphic design student at Cambrian College. We have some great illustrations coming from her class that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy. If you have your own drawings of the tower, we’d love to see them.

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Painting by Jan Browning

Painting by Jan Browning

Thanks for submitting your painting, Jan! We get a lot of photographic submissions (which are excellent and much appreciated!) so it’s especially nice to get a water color painting submission. Jan painted this beautiful snow covered scene of the Pearl Street tower. Jan says it’s a “quick sketch” she painted last week in her sketch book.

Thanks for taking the time to sit down and work one something for us, Jan. We look forward to receiving more paintings soon. Cambrian College’s second year Graphic Design students are currently working on a series of illustrations of the water towers for their Illustration class (which I happen to teach). We’ll have a good batch of new work coming in the next few weeks.

Until then, please send us what you have! If you have kids who love the towers we’d love to see their pictures or drawings.

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Illustration by Luke Johnson

Illustration by Luke Johnson

Luke submitted this dynamic illustration of the Pearl Street tower for the art show in April. Luke is a 2nd year Graphic Design student at Cambrian College. Luke drew this image in pencil and painted it digitally. It really gives you an idea as to how incredible a view from up there would be. Who wouldn’t want to get up to an observation deck on the tower and take in a view like this?

Science North, the Superstack, the Big Nickel and the Pearl Street Tower are all included in Luke’s illustration. We think that makes for a pretty good list of Sudbury landmarks.

Thanks, Luke!

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Photo by Kyla Fortushniok

Photography by Kyla Fortushniok

Thanks for the great photo, Kyla! Those clouds are really awesome.

We have a few cool projects on the go for the water towers. We’re looking into our location for an art show in April, looking at options for raising the awareness of the situation by printing posters and postcards and trying get people more involved.

If you know anyone who would like to be a part of this project, please send us an email. The more people we have on board the better! Get you children to submit artwork, photographs or macaroni art. Anything goes!

We want to hold an art show in April, so please submit your artwork as soon as possible. We’ll be posting more details for show information soon. Thanks for reading.

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Photograph by Kelly Gravelle

Photography by Kelly Gravelle

Kelly sent in this interesting older photo from the Centennial Parade. The Pearl Street tower loom over the parade as the floats go by. Thanks for the photo, Kelly!

There was a meeting last night of some supporters of the Sudbury water towers. It was a really informative and positive meeting and there are definitely some great things happening in support of the towers. We need to gather more submissions of artwork to really show our support for the towers. People are noticing our efforts, we just need to continue doing what we’ve been doing to raise awareness of the towers’ circumstances.

Write letters to the council, join the Facebook group, and respond to letters in the Sudbury Star and Northern Life. And send us some more of your great artistic images of the towers.

Tell your friends about this project and spread the word. Thank you!

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