
Posts Tagged ‘children’

Here’s something fun for families and kids! If you love the towers and want to contribute to the art show (location and date to be determined) coming up in April, you can use this free image to print out on your own printer to colour yourself.

Download this image to colour yourself!

We’d love to have your contributions, even if you colour outside the lines! In fact, we encourage it.  Purple skies, red water towers, orange trees, they’re all encouraged and accepted. Draw in some spaceships and flying cats if you want as well.

When you’re done colouring your water tower you can either scan it or take a photo of it so we can publish it on the blog. Be sure to include your names (and ages if you like). If you’d like your drawing to be included in the upcoming art show, let us know and we can work out a way to collect it (and return it, of course).

Click the link below to download the image and print it on your printer:

Colour the Pearl Street Water Tower!

We’re looking forward to seeing your coloured Sudbury Water Towers!

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