
Archive for the ‘Illustrations’ Category

Drawing by Oryst Sawchuck

Illustration  by Oryst Sawchuck

This is Oryst’s third submission and another great one. This is a view of the Pearl Street tower from St. Anne Road.

For Oryst’s two previous contributions, see here and here. Thanks Oryst!

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Drawing by Oryst Sawchuck

Illustration by Oryst Sawchuck

Here’s another one of the drawings by Oryst Sawchuck I mentioned I would post. Oryst submitted this beautiful drawing of the Pearl Street tower as seen from Notre Dame and Elm.

See his previous entry here.

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Painting by Oryst Sawchuck

Illustration by Oryst Sawchuck

If you live in Sudbury you probably know about Oryst Sawchuck. He’s an architect, illustrator, graphic designer and has been a big help in working hard (long before this blog ever started) towards saving the Sudbury water towers. He is also chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee. There was an article published in the Northern Life about Oryst recently, you should check it out here. It does a much better job at listing his accomplishments than I could do.

We’re very happy to have Oryst’s well-known illustrations added to our amazing collection of artwork. There are two more to come after this one and the collection just wouldn’t be complete without his work. More to come, check back soon!

Thanks Oryst!

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Illustration by Jean-Marc Paradis

Illustration by Jean-Marc Paradis

Illustrations by Jean-Marc Paradis

Thanks to Jean-Marc for two excellent illustrations of the water towers. These both do a great job representing the water towers. The first image imagines Sudbury as a cartoon-like world and the tower fits in really nicely, framed by the branches of the trees. We think it’s a really nice scene!

The second image shows a proud looking tower at sunset over some rolling hills. Two really great and colorful illustration, thanks Jean-Marc!

We’ve been getting more and more amazing contributions lately, thanks for your support of the water tower campaign. We are looking forward to finding the perfect location for an art show to display all of the great work we’ve received so far. Thanks to everyone!

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Illustration by Tim Richer

Illustration by Tim Richer

Thanks to Tim for this really fun illustration. Tim’s illustration depicts water tower-like mushrooms (or mushroom-like water towers) in a nice little cluster among some rocks and greenery. In Tim’s colorful and creative illustration you can see that each mushroom has the same arrangement of “legs” as the water towers. Thanks for the really cool illustration Tim, we think it’s a lot of fun.

What kind of object or shape do you see when you look at the water towers? Let us know in the comments below.

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If you’re interested in donating a few dollars to the Save the Sudbury Water Towers campaign, please use the PayPal donation link at the bottom of this post.

Why donate? We’re looking to raise about $200 to print postcards to raise awareness and to sell to the public and lovers of the water towers. The water towers are Sudbury icons, they should be represented on a postcard.

We’re currently working on postcard designs using artwork that has been submitted to this blog. Postcards will be for sale in retail locations and other businesses around Sudbury soon. We just need to raise enough money to make our first set of postcards. The money raised from the sale of the postcards will go towards new postcard sets and posters to help raise awareness of the plight of the towers.

We need to act fast, so please donate today.


UPDATE: For those of you who can donate $20 or more you will receive free postcards depicting the towers (from contributors to this blog)  and a FREE letterpress print of the Pearl Street tower, size 4 ” x 6″. The illustration is by Joel Kimmel and letterpress printed by Papillon Press. Please donate before March 31 to get your free letterpress print. Those of you who have already donated $20 or more will also receive a print. Thank you!

Letterpress print of the Pearl Street tower, by Joel Kimmel

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Illustration by Luke Johnson

Illustration by Luke Johnson

Luke submitted this dynamic illustration of the Pearl Street tower for the art show in April. Luke is a 2nd year Graphic Design student at Cambrian College. Luke drew this image in pencil and painted it digitally. It really gives you an idea as to how incredible a view from up there would be. Who wouldn’t want to get up to an observation deck on the tower and take in a view like this?

Science North, the Superstack, the Big Nickel and the Pearl Street Tower are all included in Luke’s illustration. We think that makes for a pretty good list of Sudbury landmarks.

Thanks, Luke!

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Sentinel, by Chantal Bennett

Illustration by Chantal Bennett

Chantal spent a couple hours last summer sketching the Pearl Street tower. She says that while she grew up in Sudbury she took the towers for granted but now sees them as historic and important structures in the city.

They’re definitely an interesting subject for a drawing or painting. Would Chantal have spent time sitting in a parking lot on a hot summer’s day drawing this scene if the tower wasn’t there? Those houses are nice, but the answer would be ‘no’.

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Sudbury Water Tower

Let’s get this thing started.

The first contribution to the gallery is a sketch I made last summer. I sat in the parking lot across from the Pearl Street tower for a couple of hours to sketch.  Something about that hill with the houses just wouldn’t look right without that tower there.

I plan on sketching the other tower as well, and hopefully I can sketch them again in a few years.

Do you have any sketches of the water towers? We’d love to see them. Please see the How to Submit page on the right for more info on how to do that.

We look forward to seeing your submissions.

Illustration by Joel Kimmel

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